vegetable matter – Steep in the Woods Off Grid Living Fri, 30 Aug 2024 21:59:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 vegetable matter – Steep in the Woods 32 32 180227844 COMPLETE Worm Compost Bucket Kitchen Vermicompost Farm WITH WORMS Sat, 29 Jun 2024 02:08:24 +0000 Complete 5 Gallon Worm Composting Bucket with live, red wiggler worms included – Farm worms and compost your vegetable scraps right in your kitchen or on your farm! Everything is ready to go.


A clean, easy to use vermicomposting method using worms that is perfect for any situation, including everyone from apartment dwellers to large homesteads!  If used correctly, this is a leak-free, odor-free, compact composting system!

Please Select PRIORITY MAIL to ensure worms arrive LIVE. 


Simply fill the top bucket with shredded paper and / or cardboard. Keep moist and add in worms of your choice as well as leftover vegetable scraps (meat not recommended!)


Exact composting time varies and is dependent on both the worm population as well as the variety of worms.  The compost should be a homogenous, dark brown color with little to no odor and no visible plant matter.  Remove as needed and replace with more shredded paper and scraps.


All by-products of this setup are beneficial, including the “WORM JUICE” which should be drained as needed through the included spigot.

**PLEASE NOTE: Worms are shipped alive and healthy in a breathable mesh bag with peat moss and instructions on how to use them in the compost bucket. A small amount of loss is possible, but if it is more than 50%, LET US KNOW. In the unlikely event that they do not make it, you MUST provide video proof within 8 hours of receiving your worms.

**All products will be shipped within 5 – 7 business days.**

For Shipping information and all other questions, please refer to our STORE POLICIES page located on the MAIN MENU of our home page.

** Disclaimer!  We are not responsible for any misuse of this product.  **
If you have any questions regarding this product, please email
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